Mike Wong


Mike Wong first met Coach Alex in 2012 when Mike attended a corporate bootcamp class at his work. When he found out Alex was not only a fitness trainer, but a boxing coach, he immediately had to start going to the gym.

Mike has followed boxing his entire life, and had a background in martial arts as a kid. So getting back into a contact sport like boxing that included discipline, technique and patience was an easy decision.

Was he nervous about going to a new gym?

Mike: There are always nerves and intimidation factors to deal with going to a new gym. But the folks at Undisputed alleviated that pretty quickly. It didn't take long to feel comfortable and become a regular.

The changes he's seen since joining Undisputed Boxing

Mike: I feel fitter, faster and stronger. My confidence has grown and I'm better looking too (if that is even possible). I've learned over the last several years that the work never stops. You can always get better, learn more, get fitter. Now, I'm much better at jumping rope. I enjoy running now, because I hated running previously. All my boxing skills and abilities are improved after the last 8 years.

What are his fitness goals?

Mike: I'm old. My goals are to stay "young" for as long as I can so that I can keep up with my kid and the younger folks I train with. Being a part of the Undisputed family have helped me do this.

Join the Undisputed family​

At Undisputed, we're always looking for new members who are interested in building their confidence, fighting competitively or just improving their overall fitness. If you're interested in joining the fight, check out our pricing page.


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